Week |
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Following Week |
Sunday |
August 8, 2010: Another sunny day at the campgrounds near Downieville. Lots of campers leaving today since it is Sunday but more are due to arrive. Most of the campers in this area are tent campers and they are experts at it. They set up elaborate tent cities many with a canopy over the picnic table. The campground is busy in the evening but quiet during the day when everyone is off to sit in the Yuba river. Not enough time to work on the Webpage today.
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Saturday |
August 7, 2010: We are getting the hang of camphosting. Gwen worked a very long day but I took off the middle of the morning for a nice bike ride. She was working ahead so I don't think she will be working long hours much any more. The campgrounds are full with many campers leaving tomorrow but many new reservations beginning tomorrow so lots of new folks to check in. Now time to work and any Webpage.
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Friday |
August 6, 2010: We were told this is to be the busiest day of the week. We have lots of reservations arriving today. We are already trying something new. I covered three campgrounds and Gwen covered two. We will visit all again this evening and add the sixth together. No time for the Webpage.
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Thursday |
August 5, 2010: Our first day on the job as camphosts for six campgrounds. We each put in 14 hours and the work was still not complete. We've got to figure this out quickly. No time for Webpage.
Wednesday |
August 4, 2010: Training Day, no time to work on any Webpage. Met our bosses Wayne and Larry.
Tuesday |
August 3, 2010:
Traveling Day, arrival at Indian Valley Campground about 11 miles west of Downieville, CA
Monday |
August 2, 2010:
.Traveling Day.
Forecast |