RV Visitor '06 |
May 13, 2006: What a treat. Today, Greg, JoAnne and Mariah visited while on a wonderful motorcycle tour of the mountains and the resort. Greg and JoAnne have been following our RVeCafe story of full-time RV living because they are wanting to start a life of full time RV. They live in Medford but have put their house on the market, just waiting for the opportunity to get started. Greg told a funny story of having a garage sale to get rid of stuff they didn't plan to pack into their fifth wheel when they start traveling. During the sale a gentleman asked, "Is the fifth wheel was for sale?", "No", Greg answered but agreed to let the gentleman take a look inside the trailer. "How much do you want for it?" the gentleman inquired. Greg named his price. "I'll take it, the gentleman replied". So now Greg and JoAnne are shopping for a motor home and plan to tow a utility trailer behind the motor home with their motorcycles inside. My parting comment to Greg and JoAnne was that someday they will read, "I quit my job today and I'm headed to Kansas or Maine at 25 miles per day." It was great to visit with these RVeCafe fans!
May 14, 2006: Mother's Day, 2006. Gwen's daughter Lesa and grand kids Courtney and Dustin visit us at the lake. We had just enough time to have breakfast at the resort restaurant then take a rental boat for a short tour of the lake. More photos of Mother's Day '06 are found here. Note that the crew thought they have found a lost anchor which we normally return to the Howard Prairie Resort Marina. But as it turned out, the anchor rope was tied to a large concrete block and probably left for an overnight sailboat. |
May 20, 2006: What a surprise ... standing near my fifth wheel talking to a neighbor and Joe and Kim drive up ... "just in the neighborhood". Joe and Kim are from Sacramento, California so it's must be a big neighborhood. They are enjoying a resort nearby as well as seeing Crater Lake for the first time. We had lunch and talked about what's happening with the family. Great surprise. |
May 28, 2006: Courtney and Dustin are visiting during the Memorial Day holiday. Unfortunately, it's been snowing or raining the whole time of the visit so they are looking for things to do inside the trailer. They did learn how to fix a flat tire on their bicycles since both bikes had flats. They learned to use tire levers to remove one side of the tire from the rim then remove the tube. We located the holes using water in the kitchen sink and patched with glueless patches from Walmart. Dustin's patch worked but Courtney's had to be replace with the glue style (vulcanizing fluid). So the bikes are ready but it won't stop raining. We finished all the math homework too. Maybe it's time for another movie. Anyone know how to show 2/3 as a decimal? What is there to eat? Wait 'till Grandma gets home. |
June 25, 2006: Terry and Kathy came to visit again, their first time since the visit last year. The good news is that Terry and Kathy have sold their home in Medford and are now living in their motor home full time at Medford Oaks RV Park. Their plan is to stay here for another three months then begin traveling. We had a good discussion about full time travel using a 5th wheel or motor home. Terry just put $1000 into a new radiator so he was not sure about the motor home as a choice. Kathy will decide on a new laptop computer with WiFi before the travel begins. This is a hot day in the valley so they drove to the resort for lunch next to the lake. |
June 27, 2006: Today was very special because Dick and Doris came to visit. Dick is the Wagonmaster for Escapees Chapter 37. The chapter will be holding a rally at the resort during the first weekend of August, Dick and Doris came to do some pre-planning for the rally. Their home base is in Montague, California which is only a bit more than one hour from the resort. We drove around the park to choose the ideal location for 10+ rigs to be close for the rally. We also enjoyed dinner at the resort restaurant then talked about a winter trip to Arizona. We have much more to talk about when they return in August. Dick and Doris have been Escapees for only four years but have become very involved with many activities. |
July 12, 2006: Gwen had some visitors this evening. Her long time friend, Diane from Grants Pass came to visit, drink wine and eat snacks. Diane brought our friends Rudy on the left, then Diane, Dotty (Rudy's sister), Gwen and Dale. We have all known each other for about 8 years and experienced a lot with each other. Diane works for the Josephine County Juvenile Authority on grave yard shift and has some strange stories to tell. The "girls" have some big plans for a trip to Portland in October. They are campers but not RVers yet. Click the photo for a larger view. |
August 2, 2006: Audrey and Leon have come to visit today. They started in Boise Idaho this morning and arrived at the resort by 4 pm. Audrey and Leon have been Gwen's friends for 24 years. Gwen once lived in Boise and that's when she met them. They plan to leave tomorrow for the southern Oregon coast, then travel north along the coast to see a part of Oregon they have never seen before. They are tremendous fans of Disney and have visited Disney World in Florida eight times and Disneyland in California, 5 times. Their most recent visit to Disney World was February this year. They don't just visit but ride all the amusement rides except a roller coaster. |
August 12, 2006: We had a really nice visit today from Tim and Dana with their daughter Kayla (in the green) and her friend Jade. They live and work in Medford and chose to come to the lake for the afternoon and evening. It was interesting hearing them continually say how quiet and peaceful it was at the lake. Apparently that is something Gwen and I have learned to expect as normal. Usually a weekend is the noisy part of the week but today really did seem quiet even with the resort full. Our day included a relaxing time to visit, time for the kids to swim in the lake, dinner at the restaurant then another time to relax by the campfire. What a great day. |
August 16, 2006: We have more visitors. All four of Gwen's Grandkids are visiting. There is Jacob on the left standing next to Dustin, then Melanie and Courtney is on the right. Dustin and Courtney while Melanie and Jacob are from Boise, Idaho. They have been non-stop playing and talking since they arrived. |
September 24, 2006: Kirk and Pam have become friends through RVeCafe and when we joined the Escapees "BOF" (Birds of a Feather) group on the topic of workamping. Kirk and Pam keep their own Webpage with daily entries and Kirk mentioned how much he has enjoyed our pages. The one thing Kirk mentioned he disagrees with the method of holding tank proceedure we use. Apparently the method I quoted sometimes uses bleach and I never use bleach because I don't want to kill the bacteria in the tank. Something else I must say about my method, I am almost always connected to water, once I begin boondocking, my methods may change a lot. Kirk does have a detailed description of his method which you can find here. |
October 3, 2006: Deer are around us all the time but Gwen finally got a photo of them. These are just on the other side of the kids tent (bottom left). Morgan is always interested in them but always returns when I call her back from chasing them. |