2007: Howard Prairie
Lake Resort
February 10, 2007: Today was potluck Saturday at Howard Prairie Lake Resort just to get the crew thinking ahead for the coming season. The resort will open again on April 15 but opening fishing day is late this year. Things really start booming on opening fishing day and this year it is April 28. Things will be very slow until that happens. We were all to meet the new resort owners today however they were out of town on a family emergency. Click the photo for a larger view and names. |
February 12, 2007: This year the resort does not have the snow pack it did last year, but it is still early in the year. The lake is still frozen and will likely stay frozen until mid-March. We will be moving to the lake in early April. This is a quiet time for the lake and a good time to visit. Morgan loves the snow and could not stop running, playing and rolling. |
February 13, 2007: Do you remember the deck I built last year for the King of the Road? Then the canopy I built over the deck to keep the snow from piling on the deck? Well, the snow load is not nearly as heavy this year as it was last year but the canopy is working. No snow load on the deck and there is a distinct pile of snow on this side of the deck where the snow slides off the canopy onto the ground. The storms have not brought down our flag either. |