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Weather at the Escapee Park in Oregon


On the What's New page you will find a graphic symbol for the weather condition at the Howard Prairie Lake Resort. Each day I check the weather forecast and match the graphic symbol to the forecast. Of course the forecast and the actual weather may be different. I do change the graphic symbol to match the actual weather in the days gone bye.

Click for the official temperature forecast for the resort. There is also a local weather enthusiast keeping weather records not far from the resort. The resort temperatures are usually 10-20 degrees cooler than the valley temperatures. For that reason, I have a minimum/maximum thermometer screwed to a tree (so in the shade) near our fifth wheel. The temperatures you see listed are

My minimum/maximum thermometer screwed to a tree outside my RV.
Click to see What's New at RVeCafe coming from the daily readings from that thermometer. But to understand them, you must understand my daily routine. Remember, I work in Medford during the day and Medford is my only Internet source, I have no Internet source at the lake. So I will take a morning thermometer reading which will show the accurate daily low for that day but the daily high for the day before. I can then correct the previous days estimated high temperature and enter a correct low temperature for the current day. The temperatures, then, should always be accurate for days in the past but the high temperature for the current day is only a guess.
Radio Shack Indoor-Outdoor Thermometer Note: Second weekend of August, 2005, I've discover the Taylor thermometer shown above is of very poor quality and I replaced my minimum-maximum thermometer with the Radio Shack unit to the left. Click here to read the whole story.

October 31, 2005: Beginning today, the temperature readings will be taken in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Beginning December 13, 2005: an "f" in front of a temperature means that this temperature is forcasted rather than actual.

Beginning April 9, 2006: Temperatures are taken at Howard Prairie Lake Resort in the southern Cascade Mountains. This is with the exception of the afternoon of April 23 through Friday, April 28 when the temperatures are taken at Chico, California while we participate at the spring Escapade.

Beginning October 29, 2006: Temperatures are taken at Applegate Mobile Park near the village of Applegate, Oregon in Jackson County.

From April 9-April 17, 2007 the temperature is taken on the shore of Howard Prairie Lake in southern Oregon.

From April 18 - 27, 2007 readings taken in Stockton, California

April 28 - September 18, 2007 readings taken from space Y-50 at Howard Prairie Lake Resort, southern Oregon.

From September 19, 2007 - September 23 readings taken at Montague, California

From September 24, 2007 - October 21, 2007 readings taken at Howard Prairie Lake Resort in southern Oregon.

From October 22, 2007 readings taken in Applegate, Oregon.

Beginning June 22, 2009, all readings are taken from where ever we happen to be. The sensor is mounted under the front of the trailer so the temperature is always taken in the shade.

April 3. 2011: I finally stopped fooling with cheap and low quality weather stations by choosing the Davis Vantage Vue. I'm very happy with this unit. It reports the weather to the Internet too.
My traveling weather stationFriday, June 5, 2015: So what's happening with my weather observations and reports. I love my Davis weather station but until moving back to Sutherlin I could not put the weather report online without connecting the Davis station to my computer then the computer to the Internet. Now that I'm in Sutherlin again, I've been able to connect my Davis station directly to the Internet, no computer needed. Not only that, I applied for and was accepted as an official NOAA weather station. My station is now live 24/7. The easiest way to check my weather station is to visit here. You can also visit the Davis reporting site, here. Since I am leaving my Davis station in Sutherlin (it's the only weather station reporting from Sutherlin), I needed a station to travel with me so I could continue to monitor the weather around me when I travel. So I purchase a smaller station to travel with me. I will continue to report the traveling weather on my weather page but the weather icon in the top left of the RVeCafe home page will be Sutherlin weather (you can click that icon for a more detailed weather report at any time).

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