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Tuesday, March 19, 2024: Once
each year the Rincon Country East Resort shows customer
appreciation by serving lunch to everyone who purchases a $5
ticket. All money is donated to the local food bank. Today's
meal was a hamburger (or vegetarian option), potato
salad, chips, cookie, and drink (including beer). Click
on the photo to the right to see the mean.
Sunday, March 17, 2024: Weeks
ago I purchased a season pass to the University of Arizona
Track and Field events. Today was our first experience at the
events. The start time was confusing so we arrived around 11
am. The field events were happening. We saw pole vault,
javelin, long jump, high jump and shot put was beginning as we
left. We also saw two hurdles races and the 3000 meter women's
steeple chase. We did not stay for the rest of the
events because we had other things which had to be done today.
We know to arrive for the running races next time because they
are the most exciting. This was also our first time to use our
stadium chairs on the aluminum benches. They were much more
comfortable than sitting on the bench. Click both photos for
another view. There is a 3 second video behind the right
Thursday, March 14, 2024: A
few nights ago we had a
night time visitor to our birdbath which we were using
as a bird feeder. The Javelina stole all the bird seed.
Today I built a Javelina proof bird feeder. It is nearly 6
feet off the ground. The Quail were the first to return. Click
the Quail photo to see a female Cardinal and a Gila Woodpecker
which visited once the Quail had finished.

Wednesday, March 13,
2024: The decisions have been made. A single
photo has been chosen in each category for the "First
Place" in that category. The photo at the left was
chosen as the best in the show. The blue ribbon shows
the general public chose it as the best in the
category. The lavender ribbon shows the general
public chose it as the best of the show. The two
stickers at the bottom show the photo club members
chose this photo AND the professional photographers
also chose this photo. I can understand those
photographic decisions. The rocks at the bottom draw
your attention into the photo toward the silhouette of
the large rock and the reflection in the water.
The horizon line however almost cuts the photo in
half. I did not choose this photo for anything. My
best of show photo can be seen by clicking on this
photo. My choice was from an emotional response. I was
sucked into this photo of the two dogs. I was
immediately struck by the eye contact with the dogs
and I was emotionally involved with the photo. The
winner of the show gave me no feeling what so
ever. My choice for best of show was given the
first place for the category.
Tuesday, March 12,
2024: For more than 30 years, Rincon Country East has
displayed a photo contest in March. Resort residents
vote for their best choice in each of 15
categories. The photo club members really take
this seriously. The votes will be tabulated and awards
made tomorrow afternoon. |


March 10, 2024: We were treated to a concert this afternoon by
the Mariachi Aztlan de Pueblo Magnet High School Band. I
believe we were all blown away by their talent and excellence
and their ability to connect with the audience. I particularly
enjoyed the trumpets and their ability to triple tongue the
notes. Here is a video so
you can hear a part of what we heard today.

March 8, 2024:This turned out to be another wet morning but
the clouds were leaving by the end of the day. The sun is
setting to the left in the photo but the clouds still caught a
crimson reflection, click the photo to see it.
Tuesday, March 5, 2024: This
last week has been noisy due to the airshow practice.
Apparently the local Air Force base allows all sorts of
vintage and current aircraft to prepare for the air show
season with practice at the base. They would often fly over
our park at relatively low altitudes. I tried to get a glimpse
every time I heard them coming. I don't know where the air
show will happen. I assume they practice here then take the
show world wide. These are just a few of the planes we
Monday, March 4, 2024: Dawn is
a member of our photo club. She is also the photographer of
all the events happening at the resort. This last weekend the
theater group gave their program. Dawn did a great job
at making photographs of each act as well as a photo of the
entire group. The theater director wanted Dawn to make a group
photo for each theater member, over 30 copies. Dawn also
needed photos for herself to enter into a contest. Since I am
in charge of the printer, I had to be involved. The club has a
nice printer kept in one of the resort buildings but it is
relatively slow to print an 8 x 10" photo. We spent 2 hours
just printing all the photos Dawn needed.

Saturday, March 2,
2024: I got a message on this evening that the
observatory at our park was to be open for an
impromptu viewing of several locations in the sky. I
rushed over a bit late because I saw the notice late.
From my previous description of our observatory, our
telescope finds the particular item the operator
programs it to find. It then takes successive ten
second exposures and sends the view to our phones.
Each ten second exposure is laid over the top of the
previous exposures. The longer the telescope views an
object the better the quality. The photo at left is
after three minutes and 20 seconds, so this is the
quality after 20 exposures. This Nebula happens to be
1600 light years distant so relatively close compared
to others we have seen. This photo came directly off
my phone.
Friday, March 1, 2024: Gwen,
Jeanne and I drove to downtown Tucson to explore the Artisan
Market at the Tucson Art Center. These were high quality arts
and crafts for sale by the crafts people. In the left photo
Gwen is trying a hat she liked but passed on the purchase. The
center photo is a turned wooden vase then hand carved and
decorated using wood burning techniques. Behind that photo is
a sculpture of a lady with a lot of tunes on her mind. The
photo on the right is one of the items I purchased. I liked it
enough I just couldn't pass it up. It is hanging in our living
room now. We also bought some note cards, this is my favorite.
Click all three photos for more views. |
Wednesday, February
28, 2024: Gary and I have been watching this wheel
barrow which a neighbor has for sale at $50. It is
tandem wheels, steel frame with thick plastic bucket.
I couldn't decide to buy it because I couldn't see the
need. However, I wanted to haul rocks from our desert
wash to aid when planting our new cactus. Gary and I
decided to form a wheel barrow partnership. We each
paid $25 so now we each own half a wheel barrow.


Tuesday, February
27, 2024: Gwen and I went shopping at a nearby cactus
nursery. We both had ideas of what we wanted and the
nursery staff turned us onto other ideas too. I was
looking for Totem Pole (click the left photo), Rainbow
Hedgehog (on the right) and Boojum. The nursery had
ONE Boojum and it was $1,000 so that won't be
happening soon. Gwen had other ideas of what she
wanted. We are unsure of how the cactus will be
during the summer months when we are not here so we
purchased only two. Click the right photo to learn
what we bought.

Saturday, February 24, 2024:
Gwen and I attended our February Concert. I say it that
way because we allow ourselves one concert per month at the
park. They have an average of 1 band per week and we just
don't have the time or energy to attend all. Monroe Crossing
is a Bluegrass Band. It is very talented and professional.
Tonight's concert was sponsored by the Dog Agility Club and
well advertised by all members of the club. Click both photos
for another view. Here is a short
video of what we heard. |

Friday, February 23,
2024: I took Robin and Dorana on a hike into the
Pantano Wash behind our place. On the way back we
discovered a very sturdy next in the branch of a
Cholla cactus. The nest was made of heavy sticks which
made me wonder what sort of bird made the nest. Click
the photo to see what I mean.

Thursday, February
22, 2024:This day we spent 2/3 of the day at the
Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum. Visitors must get their
early because the Raptor Free Flight begins right at
10 am. The walk to the free flight area can take 15
minutes so it is best to arrive at 9:30 or earlier.
The museum is a one hour drive from out location which
means a very early start to get to the museum on time.
This was a crowded day for some reason. Robin and
Dorana especially enjoyed the free flight show.
The free flight demonstration is the most popular part
of the museum. They purposely have it early to get
visitors to the museum early. It is also located deep
into the outdoor area of the museum which spreads the
crowds deep into the display area. We stayed long
enough to enjoy the live show in the theater where the
parrot was one of the demonstrations. Click the photos
for another view.


Tuesday, February
20, 2024:My sister, Dorana is visiting so we decided
to take a drive to the top on Mt. Lemmon. This is not
a ski day on the mountain so we were expecting much
traffic but as it turned out there was plenty of
traffic and lots of bicyclists. We took the dogs
hoping to find some snow for them to play. After a
mile hike on a closed road, there was plenty of snow
for the dogs. This was a perfect day, the warmest of
the new year so far. Click each photo for another

Sunday, February 18,
2024: The clubs in the park often have some sort of fund
raising event. This morning it was the library selling a
breakfast for $8 which included pancakes, eggs, sausage,
orange juice and coffee ot tea. You could choose the
size and quantity of the pancakes. The room was full when we
arrived but only a few still eating when I took the photos.
The serving volunteers on the right.
Thursday, February
15, 2024: This morning the park maintenance crew
showed up and installed a privacy screen onto the dog
park fence. I think it's great but my neighbors on
both side hate it because they liked to sit on their
decks and watch the dogs play. If it happened to be a
big dog then Abby often had to bark at them. I'm
hoping the screen will stop her barking. It may also
stop the dogs on the inside from barking.


Wednesday, February
14, 2024: Gary, Jeanne, Gwen and I visited the Tucson
Botanical Garden. We enjoyed the butterfly room most.
I looked for my favorite cactus and found another I
like as well. We are wanting to add cactus to our
backyard. We also found Ocean trash sculptures
from Bandon, Oregon. The garden is also filled with
sculptures of many kinds scattered around the garden.
Since this was Valentines Day there were many young
couples wandering the garden too. Click on all the
photos for more views.


February 11, 2024: Today is the biggest sports day of
the year. San Francisco Forty-Niners and Kansas City
Chiefs play in the Superbowl. It was one of the best
games in a long time with teams tied at the end of
regulation play. Click the photo to learn who won.

Saturday, February
10, 2024: We bought tickets a month ago then learned
of the dress code for the venue. I'm wearing the $4.25
sport jacket and Gwen is wearing her "Evening Ware"
both purchased at the nearby Thrift store we like. As
it turned out, most of those Tucson people attending
ignored the dress code. We didn't have to stress so
much. However, I think dressing up made the evening
We both enjoyed the evening however I would have no
reason to see the show a second time. The dancers used
their arms effectively as well as their legs. All
dancers could stand on one leg putting the other leg
over their head. They could also flip forward and
backward multiple times. The costumes were much of the
show. No photography was allowed during the show so
the right photo is the cover of the program. Click
both photos for other views.


February 9, 2024: Well! This has not been a good day.
I was to go skiing today with my friend, Wes. Due to
the recent storms the road to the ski area was closed
at 8:45, we tried again at 11:30 and it was still
closed. The ONE positive thing, between the two
tries to ski I was able to secure season tickets for
the Arizona Wildcats football season next fall. The
yellow dot between section 23 and 24 is where our
seats are located. This last season we sat in
section 205EC right on the 50 yard line. Those seats
were truly in the clouds. I could have gotten seats in
section 205E for the same price as what I chose. I
chose section 24 right on the stairs between 23 and 24
because I wanted to be on that side of the field. The
band always plays
to |

that side of the field. Any activity on the field other
than the football teams always play to that side of the field.
We are in row 23 so much closer to the action. Also, all the
really good football action happens in the 20 yards closest to
the goal line. These season tickets will give us seats to
seven home games. The cost of the tickets is far less
than what it will cost to fix our Subaru.
The story of the Subaru, I was working around the house since
I couldn't ski while Gwen was shopping. I got a call from
Gwen, "I'm sitting in the Target parking lot and the engine is
smoking!" My friend Gary gave me a ride to the Target parking
lot. The car would barely operate. Gwen babied it for about
two miles to the Enterprise Car Rental where we rented a nice
Nissan Sentra. Gwen many not want to give that up, it only has
600 miles on the odometer. I tried to move the car but
it would not go! I waited two hours for AAA to arrive with
their tow truck. We dropped the car at an AAA recommended
mechanic and that's where it is tonight. I'll learn on Monday
what the diagnosis could be. It's already $169 just to
diagnose the problem.
Thursday, February 8,
2024:Gwen, Gary, Jeanne and I visited the Tubac Art Fair
today. It is one of the premium fairs with a lot of very
unique art and very expensive art. We took Abby. She enjoyed
seeing all the people and getting pets every once in a while.
Gwen and Jeanne found something to buy while Gary and I just
enjoyed seeing the creativity. Click each photo for
another view.

Wednesday, February
7, 2024: I have two suit stories to tell today. The
suit on the left, a hazmat suit I purchased to crawl
under the park model to complete my wiring project I
described yesterday. I got about 1/3 of the distance I
needed to go and realized there was too much stuff in
my way. Wheel axles, HVAC piping and the worse, Cholla
thorns scattered around in the dirt. I will go to plan
The sport coat and tie on the right are needed to meet
the dress code of the Linda Ronstadt Theater in
downtown Tucson. Gwen and I bought tickets to a
Chinese dance group. Two days ago I got an email from
the theater telling what to expect the evening of the
performance. One of the items on the list was a Dress
Code of "Business Attire or Evening Ware". I
haven't owned a sport coat or tie since retiring 15
years ago. We decided to visit our favorite
thrift store where I found this coat for $4.25 and the
tie for $2.10. Now I just need to remember how to put
a knot in the tie.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024:
Gwen and I chose today to take advantage of a gift given to us
by my sister, Dorana. She gave us and annual pass to the Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum. We
can visit any time with our annual pass so there will likely be
many visits this year. The daily feature at the museum is the
raptor flight where we get to see live flights of raptors and
other desert birds. Today we saw the Raven, Great Horned Owl and
Harris Hawk. We also saw several other desert creatures
found in a Sonoran Desert. I also found my favorite cactus which
I hope we can grow, the Boojum. Click these photos for
more views. I also made a short video of the
raptor flight. Here is a panorama of the desert scene looking to
the south from the museum. |
Sunday, February 4,
2024: During our Wednesday park meeting I learned
of the Astronomy Club. It meets every Sunday night after
dark. They have their own observatory with a sliding
roof and a Stellina
Telescope. I went for the first time tonight
and was completely blown away by the technology. Using a
special APP on my phone I was able to connect directly
to the Telescope. What the scope saw was viewed on my
phone and everyone's phone in the observatory. The
telescope takes a 10 second exposure every 10 seconds
then continues to stack these photos which improves the
imagine as long as the scope in pointing at that object.
Our first object was the Orion Nebula, a mere 1,600
light years distant. I learned in high school physics
(my junior year, 1963) that light travels at 286,282
miles per second.

a light year is a distance measurement, the distance light
would travel in a year. When looking at an object 1,600
light years away we are seeing what it looked like 1,600 years
ago. Since I was viewing the Orion Nebula on my own
phone I was able to take photos. To see my photo of the Orion
Nebula click the photo of the telescope. The second
object we looked at was the Cigar Galaxy, the photo on the
right. Click that photo for a wider view. It is
11,000,000 light years from earth. That's 11 million light
years. This is a huge galaxy, 37,000 light years across.
I have been watching the images produced by the Hubble and
James Webb Telescopes with amazement. Having the Stellina
Telescope only 100 years from our location is equally amazing.
There is no supreme being in charge of all this. "God" has
always been in charge of what we have not understood. The
folks who wrote the Bible 2,000 years ago understood NOTHING
hence put "God" in charge of everything. Thinking there
is a supreme being in charge does give some comfort. Jesus
message, every deity message, is how to be human!

February 3, 2024: We are fortunate to have this view out
our front window rather than looking at another park model or
RV like the rest of the resort. Today's view was of the end of
a storm as it passes on to New Mexico and Texas. Click the
photo to see the amount of snow on this 9,100 foot mountain.
The ski area on the other side is open and I plan to ski on
Thursday with a friend. Skiing is free for those over 70
except for the equipment rental.
Friday, February 2,
2024: While reading one of the Rincon Country East
Facebook pages we spotted a recommendation for a
Mexican food restaurant about 7 miles from us. We
invited Gary and Jeanne to go with us. As it
turned out we both ordered Molcajete for two.
Molcajete is an ancient Aztec dish, not Mexican. It
consists of marinated shrimp, beef and/or chicken with
cheese, avacado, green onion and whatever else they
decide to put into the broth. Everyone at the
table liked their selection.


Sunday, January 28,
2024: The Rincon Country East RV Resort brings
professional entertainment to the park during the busy
winter months. Last year when we were camped at Rincon
Country West we were never able to get tickets to
these events due to the size of the resort, 1,200
spaces. It has not been difficult to get ticket at the
east resort with only 456 spaces. However, we have
limited the number of groups we want to see because of
the price of the tickets to see these groups.
Virtually all of the major resorts in Arizona will
book professional entertainment during the winter
months so these groups stay very busy.
The entertainment tonight is the MC6 A-Cappella group
with six men performers. They introduced themselves
saying they have been doing this for 20 years with
three of the members from the original group. They
sang music from the 50s and 60s most likely because of
the age of the audience. I was 10 years old in 1957
but I really did not start to listen to music until
1967 when I was in college. The room enjoyed this
group and kept them for an additional tune after they
finished their planned performance. Click the photo
for a photo of the group. I also made a short
video of some of their tunes.
Saturday, January
27, 2024: This is the first day of the African Art
Market to open. We have been waiting for this since
arriving because we enjoyed it so much last year.
Before arriving at the market we enjoyed breakfast
with Gary and Jeanne comped by the restaurant. As VIP
First Watch members, Gary and Jeanne were invited to
the grand opening of a new First Watch location. First
Watch is one of our favorite restaurants for
Once we arrived at the African Art Market we were
again amazed at the variety of products mostly
handmade. We had some specific ideas of what we
were looking for to decorate our kitchen cabinets. Our
only purchases were the two items on the right. Click
that photo to see the second item. Still, my favorite
items where the tall "Colonial People" on the right
above. Click that photo for a closeup.
I was anxious to find the doll I bought last
year for my sister, Dorana, but they weren't
found on this first day. I may have to return again,
maybe next week when it is raining hoping for better
prices. I'll be looking for those tall "Colonial
People" and the doll.
Click all the photos for more views. The Village is
scheduled to be here only two weeks but I believe it
stayed longer last year, maybe they will stay longer
this year too.


Wednesday, January
24, 2024: Every Wednesday morning at 9 am there is a
coffee and donuts meeting for the whole park. Here is
today's selection of donuts. I took a photo but
avoided looking at them. I'm doing my best to loose
weight. I did have some coffee, however. I sat with
some ladies in the auditorium. They suggested I have a
banana rather than a doughnut. I think their is just
as much if not more sugar in a banana. Which one would
YOU chose?
Tuesday, January 23,
2024: These are the pickle ball courts across from our
park model. This is day two of an unusual rain storm
for Tucson which keeps the courts wet and stops the
play. If not wet, the courts are busy all day with
casual games and tournaments. These courts are new,
only about two months old. The player prefer these
courts to the old courts in the distance, I haven't
asked why. This storm is not forecast to end until
tomorrow morning.


Sunday, January 21,
2024: I have been waiting for an Arizona Wildcats
Rugby game. Today they were playing the Washington
Huskies. The game is remotely like American football
but with entirely different rules. It's not popular so
there is no fee to watch the game. I had tried to
watch a couple of YouTube videos so I could understand
the rules but gave up early as the rules became more
complicated. Because I had done little study, I did
not understand the play most of the time. I did
finally learn a goal was worth 5 points but so was the
field goal afterward. It is a fast game and play is
continuous unless an official stops play for some
reason. I stayed until the middle of the second half
when I left. The score as I walked out of the stadium
was 75-0, Arizona. Click both photos for more views. I
also created a short


Saturday, January
20, 2024: Today was the wildcard NFL playoff between
the Green Bay Packers and the San Francisco 49ers. We
were anxious to watch the game but it was on FOX, a
channel we don't get at home. We learned that a
Wisconsin group from the park was going to get
together in the Rec Room to watch the game together.
We joined them and what fun we had. They had food, we
enjoyed that too. Click the photo for a view of the
room. The tiny TV up front showing a sailboat is what
we all had to watch.

Friday, January 19,
2024: Tonight is the Chili Feed and horse races
sponsored by the "Design Team". The stick horses
were auctioned earlier and sold for as much as $220
with the hope they would bring a profit. Audience
members bet on the horse race. They did not announce
what the payout was for the winning horse. Each of the
six horses advance depending upon the Bingo number
randomly drawn. I bet on horse number 3 and
5. Unfortunately, horse number 1 won. We stayed
for race number 1 but left before race number 2 began.
There were a total of six races. I'm sure this was a
very successful fund raiser for the Design Team. The
Team uses the money to buy decorations for the
clubhouse. Click both photos for more views.

Thursday, January 18, 2024:
Joe and I drove to the top of Mt. Lemmon today. We were hoping
to see the views of Tucson but it was hazy toward the valley
which obscured the view. We did enjoy all the mountain views,
a cup of coffee in Summerhaven, and a walk in Ski Valley. The
ski area does not have enough snow to open so they run the
lift slowly for people wanting to go to the top of the
mountain for the views. Knowing the valley was hazy we will
postpone that lift trip for a clear day. There are views
behind each of these photos so click the photo to see them. I
also made a short video at Ski Valley.
Summerhaven is a tiny village with many summer homes, a lodge
and cabins. It is popular in the summer because it is cooler
than the hot valley below. We found today's temperature to be
25 degrees cooler than the valley.
Wednesday, January
17, 2024: Son, Joe, Gwen and I attend the
University of Arizona Men's basketball game with USC.
The Wildcats were 5 - 12 points ahead of USC the
entire game. I always enjoy the band more than I
do basketball and tonight was no exception. Joe and I
had purchased new hats to wear to this game.


Tuesday, January 16,
2024: Joe and I attended "The Curse of the Pirate
Treasure" and the Gaslight Theater. This was a musical
comedy production with live actors and performance.
Both of us enjoyed the production and comedy. This is
a dinner theater where the audience should arrive an
hour before the performance is to begin to order food
and drinks. The music was great and everything worth
visiting a second time. Click the photos for more


Sunday, January 14,
2024: I drove to Costco today to get stuffed bell
peppers for dinner. My son, Joe, was to arrive in late
afternoon. Some nice person has put a basket of
tennis balls in the dog park which has attracted Abby.
She takes care of business then when ready to go home
she picks up a ball and carries it home. She doesn't
want to give it up and has destroyed one. I had
"tennis balls" on my Costco list. I found them, a box
of 20 cans, 60 total balls for $45. That's $2.25
per can. I just couldn't bring myself to buy this box.
I said to myself, "I'll check Walmart for a couple
cans." I need to donate balls to the dog park basket
and give Abby a couple.

Saturday, January
13, 2024: The RCE photo club chose to visit the Mescal
Movie Set east of Tucson where many western movies
have been made. The club was a private tour of the
buildings built to be a part of such movies as:
Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Josey Wales, How the West Was Won,
Tom Horn, Stagecoach, Tombstone, Maverick, The Quick
and the Dead and many more. Everyone in the club
enjoyed the tour then ate together in Benson, Arizona
nearby. Click the photos for more views.

Friday, January 12,
2024: Our only car is a 2016 Subaru Forester. That
makes is 8 years old with 90,000 miles. We have been
hearing a rumbling sound as if we were driving with
snow tires. I suspected wheel bearings and I was
right. The right rear bearing needed to be replaced. I
took the Forester to the closest mechanic recommended
by others here in the park. When the work was done the
invoice totaled $638. That was $400 for parts, $204
for labor plus tax. When I got home I looked up the
genuine Subaru part, it is listed at $180. The clutch
also needs some work so they quoted $2450 to replace
the clutch. I contacted my mechanic in Oregon, he
would do the same job for $800. I'm thinking the park
people who recommended this mechanic have not done
their research. I'll continue my search for an Arizona


Thursday, January
11, 2024: Rincon Country East has a small woodshop
with some pretty nice tools. Residents can use the
woodshop between October 15 and April 15. To use the
shop you must become a woodshop member by paying dues.
I have been a member since October 15. The woodshop
members have fundraising events to enable the members
to buy and replace equipment and supplies. Today was
one of those events, a ham, beans, cornbread and
cupcake dinner for $10. I signed up to be a server.
This is a popular event and our clubhouse was full. In
addition many residents got their meal to-go.


Wednesday, January
10, 2024:This morning was our usual Wednesday morning
meeting at Rincon Country East (RCE). After
announcements was a race horse auction. This is a fund
raising event where a race occurs during a park meal.
The horses advance as Bingo numbers are called. The
audience can bet on any horse and the horse owners
benefit if they come in first. I will understand more
next week when the race is to occur. Click this
photo for a panorama of the full clubhouse. I also
made a short video of the auction

Tuesday, January 9,
2024: We had some over ripe bananas so I decided to
try making some banana bread. It came out much better
than I expected, tasted good too.

Monday, January 8,
2024: Watched most of the College championship game
between Michigan and Washington. This will be the last
game of any Pac12 team. I was routing heavily for
Washington but their offense did not show up for this
game. I finally walked out on the game with 4 minutes
remaining in the fourth quarter. Next season is going
to be tough on all those Pac12 teams who left the
conference. Washington State and Oregon State
may be the only two Pac12 teams with a chance to win
games since they will compete in the Mountain West


Monday, January 1,
2024: Watching three national football games today,
The Fiesta Bowl was the first and the Oregon Ducks
beat the Liberty Flames. Then come the two
championship playoff games. The first is the Rose Bowl
where Michigan defeated Alabama in overtime (the photo
at left). I'm watching the Washington vs Texas Sugar
Bowl game right now.
Saturday, December 30, 2023:
Tucson hosts the Bar Stool Arizona Bowl. This year Wyoming
played Toledo and I bought tickets early securing some good
seats on the opposite side of the stadium we are use to and
much lower right on the 50 yard line. The Wyoming fans
outnumbered the Toledo fans at least two to one. Both
universities brought their full bands not just a
"Pep-Band". I always enjoy watching and listening to the
bands. This was a low scoring game until the last quarter when
both teams came very close to each other with a score of 15 -
13, Toledo leading. But Wyoming had the ball and steadily
moved down the field winning the game in the last second with
a field goal. Final score of 16-15.
Friday, December 29, 2023: I
got a text message early this morning from my Oregon friend,
Stan, inviting me to come visit him and Georgie at a sky
diving center only one and a quarter hours away. It
didn't take me long to get into the car and start driving
north. When I arrived, Stan was packing Georgie's chute and
began to tell me all about this sport. Georgie had been
invited to join a team which was practicing for a time
competition to happen tomorrow. It has been a while since Stan
and Georgie have done any skydiving but apparently it's like
riding a bicycle (or snow skiing) you don't forget how. Stan
has done more than 10,000 jumps. This was a very busy
Skydiving Center, I would guess as many as 200-300 jumpers
with multiple planes flying continually. The planes fly to
13,500 feet where the jumpers leave the plane. Stan confided
in me that he wants to hear, "smooth opening" from Georgie
when she returns since he packed the chute. On this jump I
asked Georgie about the opening, "the opening was lovely", she
Wednesday, December
27, 2023: This chair has a story to tell. Three
weeks ago I participated in the "walk around sale" at
Rincon Country East by riding my tricycle around the
park looking for treasures. I found what I
thought was a treasure, a desk chair for only
$5. It fit perfectly and was comfortable.
However, after a few days I began to notice it would
let me down every once in a while. As it turned out,
It would let me down at least half the time. I
took it apart looking for an adjustment but found
My son, Joe, and I often have a discussion comparing
Amazon to Wal-Mart online. He always compares Amazon
to Wal-Mart before placing an order. I decided to do
the same before ordering a new desk chair.
Indeed, Wal-Mart had the better choices and free
shipping. Before ordering I also checked the
nearby Office Max. I learned they had very little
stock and would have to order something in the style I
needed. Additionally, their price was twice what I
would pay at Amazon or Wal-Mart. So, I ordered
from Wal-Mart hoping their service would be as good as
Amazon. I was able to track the shipment just like I
do with Amazon. The package arrived today and I was
able to assemble quickly. This is a "cheap"
chair so not as comfortable as the more expensive
chairs but I don't expect to spend a lot of time in
it. It does fit into my tiny desk and that's
important since our space is limited. So far it's
perfect for my needs. Joe was right.


Christmas Day,
Monday, December 25, 2023 : The activity director at
Rincon Country East RV Resort scheduled a Christmas
lunch time where each table had a host and
co-host. Gwen and I were co-hosts with Gary and
Jeanne acting as hosts for our table of ten.
Each individual brought a dish to share while the park
provided the ham. Out job was to help decorate the
table. Gwen and I provided a tiny
country village down the center of the
table. We also provided a one foot tall tree for
the table. Of course it did not take much to fill our
stomachs. Click this photo for a panorama of the
room. I also made a short video of the activity.
Sunday, December 24, 2023:
Sunday, December 24,
2023: This morning, before the clouds covered
the peak again, I was able to see snow on our
mountain. I'm not surprised because it is very cold on
top of the mountain this time of year. We got nearly
two inches of rain which should mean more than a foot
of snow on the mountain. I hope it stays cold enough
for the mountain to retain the snow and the Mt. Lemmon
Ski Area can open for their short season. We are
looking at the south slope of the mountain and the ski
area is on the north slope. I hope they got even more


December 23, 2023: After yesterday's wet storm the clouds are
slowly clearing today but not before giving another 1/10th
inch of rain. Notice the new fence on the dog park. Apparently
someone did not like the six foot galvanized fence so it was
taken down and replaced with this four foot green fence. This
one is much better, no need for a six foot fence in this dog

Wednesday, December
20, 2023: Gwen and I joined the Rincon Country East
(RCE) photo club over a month ago. During the last
meeting we were given an assignment to take a night
photo manually and report the manual settings used to
take the photo. I got the idea to take a photo of our
entry gate booth when occupied by our nighttime gate
person. I also took a night photo of Culver's
Click the photo to see the Culver's photo.
The settings for the booth: 1/2 second, f8, ISO 400 on
a tripod.
The settings for Culver's: 1/30 second, f5, ISO
400, no tripod.

Tuesday, December
19, 2023: This day began with a "Farmer's Market and
Craft Fair" within our park. We actually had one
vendor with produce the others were craft items which
included handmade items from the talented folks in the
I spent most of the middle of the day with errands,
oil change, return an item to Home Depot, pick up a
few items at Costco, fuel at Costco, $2.56/gallon,
then fooling with the Canon Camera. We had clouds
today which is unusual.

Sunday, December 17,
2023: This was a warm day, in the 80s, so we decided to
drive through the Saguaro National Park East. I have ridden
the park on my bike but this was Gwen's first time through the
park. Last season we toured the Saguaro
National Park West where there are many more Saguaros.
The West has many more Saguaros since the East suffered from
some severe freezes and cattle overgrazing thirty years ago.
The Saguaro forest is recovering and you can see many babies
scattered. There are many trails to follow but not sure that
dogs are allowed on the trails and Abby is with us. Click the
photos for a couple panoramas and other views.
Friday, December 15,
2023: Gwen and I attended the ladies Arizona Wildcat
Basketball game against the Texas Longhorn ladies.
This was expected to be a tough game since the
Longhorn ladies record was 10-0. The Arizona
ladies put up a good fight but lost to the Longhorns.
I always enjoy the University band whether it is
football or basketball. They make watching the games
fun. Click the photo for a view of the Pep Band.

Wednesday, December 13, 2023:
This is our park meeting day. The fire department showed up to
collect all the toys the park is donating to "impoverished
children" living in Tucson. Click the left photo to see a
sample of the toys. Next, the RCE Choir performed a dozen
tunes. After the fire department and choir there was very
little time for announcements. I did learn of a woodshop
meeting tomorrow morning which I should attend.
Saturday and Sunday, December
9-10, 2023: This is the Fourth Avenue Art and Craft Fair. It
is the largest fair that I've ever attended. Easily over 1,000
booths. The products do vary but mostly handmade items and
some creative ideas. There are well over 1000 booths and not
sure you can see everything in two days. The fair is actually
3 days in length. Click the photos for more views.
Wednesday, December 6,
2023: We have a park-wide meeting every Wednesday
morning where new activities are introduced and a schedule of
events is announced. The first Wednesday of the month, The
Desert Boys give a 20 minute concert of seasonal tunes. They
are actually pretty good so are appreciated by the crowd. This
morning was a Christmas theme with tunes from well known
artists dating back to the 1940s. Wally, the leader of
the band (in green) almost always gives a little history of
the tunes they are about to play which is always interesting.
Our clubhouse is filling up and I was told that next month the
room is truly packed because the park is full.
Tuesday, December 5,
2023: Tonight the Old Pueblo Brass Band visited our
clubhouse. It is a "British style band" and the
conductor took his time to tell us what that meant. It
has to do with the type of instruments in the band.
The band was very enjoyable. Click the photo for a
view from the audience.
Saturday, December 2. 2023: My
friend, Gary and I attended a University of Arizona basketball
game this afternoon. They were playing Colgate University from
New York. Colgate did well the first half but the net
continued to spit out their shots the second half so Arizona
won 82 - 55. Several surprises for me. Since I'm not a
basketball fan I was surprised at how popular the sport is at
U of A. So that was the next surprise, parking nearly as tough
as during football. We had seats in the top of the building
but we could still see the action well, another surprise. The
Arizona band was impressive and made the action fun. The final
surprise, how much I enjoyed the action. The blimp on the
right was flown around the court during halftime, pretty
cleaver advertising. Click the photos for additional views.
Friday, December 1, 2023: This
is a park dinner, Sloppy Joe's with beans, potato salad and a
pickle, plus cupcake for $10. This is a fund raising event by
the "Design Team" of the park. The Design Team is responsible
for decorating the clubhouse and the funds raised go toward
decorator supplies. We purchased tickets weeks ago and the
clubhouse was full. We enjoyed our meal and met some new
people. There were 24 raffle prizes but they all went to
others, no one at our table won a prize. Click both photos for
another view.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023:
Gwen and I had an early departure this morning for the Green
Valley Farmer's Market. That means we missed the weekly park
meeting in the clubhouse so we missed all the announcements.
It was almost an hour drive to Green Valley. The Farmer's
Market is located at a mall surrounding the businesses of the
mall. This time of year it is more of an art and craft fair
with only a very few booths having fresh vegetables. The first
place I headed was the coffee booth because I missed my coffee
this morning. We were told the number of booths grows as
winter approaches but today there were only 30 booths. We have
Oregon friends who have a winter home in Green Valley and it
wasn't long before Jack and Carole met us. It did not take
long to walk the whole market so we spent most of our time
touring Green Valley with Jack and Carole as our tour guides.
Click both photos for more views.
Sunday, November 26,
2023: Clouds are unusual for us in Tucson. It is
usually clear. This morning our mountains were gone.
But, by this afternoon, they were back.
We did some shopping today, mostly at Costco. Most
important purchase for Gwen was an electric heated
blanket. For me, I checked on the Verizon ads for a
free iPhone 15 with a trade-in. It was true so I
ordered a new phone. More on this after I get the

Friday, November 24, 2023: We got
advertising for small business shopping on 4th Avenue so decided
to walk 4th Avenue today. We were familiar with this part of 4th
Avenue from our time in Tucson last year. Mostly because the
downtown trolley was easy access last year and passes down the
middle of 4th Avenue. Unfortunately we found nothing to buy on
4th Avenue so we hopped onto the trolley and rode it to the
container shops on the west side. These are stores in a complex
made with cargo containers. One of them is the Decibel Coffee
Shop I frequented last year. Another is the Transit Bike Shop.
Gwen found a hat she liked, I bought nothing. Click the photos
for more views.
Thursday, November
23, 2023, Thanksgiving Day: Gwen and I participated in
the Thanksgiving Day activities in the Rincon Country
East Clubhouse. It was operated differently than we
have seen. There are tables of 8 with a "captain" and
each table. We were invited to join Katherine and
Rodrick's table. The park provided the turkey and
gravy to each table. The table members provided
everything else for their table. Food was not shared
between tables. Of course there was plenty of food for
each table with lots of food left over to take home.
Click this photo to see a panorama of the room. Also,
I created a short video as I strolled
through the room.


Wednesday, November
22, 2023: The previous owners left a long string
of blue lights. I spent the afternoon untangling
them then hanging around our Palm tree plus
porch. We also had purchased a 3 foot artificial
tree so I set that up on our deck. My spotting scope
is still on the deck along with our ice maker on the
left. |
Sunday, November 19,
2023: Our friends from Oregon have returned to the
park. Gary, Jeannie, Gwen and I decided to celebrate
at a new-to-us Mexican restaurant recommended by my
friend, Armando. We went to the Guadalajara Fiesta
Grill and we were not disappointed. All four of us
came home with a box with plenty for another meal.

Saturday, November 18,
2023:This day is the last of the home games for Arizona
Wildcat Football. Gwen and I got tickets to watch the
Wildcats play the Utah Utes. Both teams have a 7-3
record. For some reason Utah forgot how to play football
for the first half and only partially recovered for the second
half. Arizona easily won. About 2 minutes before the end
of the first half it began to rain pretty hard. I had brought
garbage bags for each of us. I put mine on while Gwen stepped
into hers. We left at the half and watched the last half on
TV. Click these photos for another view.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023:
A month ago Gwen and I signed up for the park shuttle bus to
Sabino Canyon. We learned last year at Rincon West to sign
early for a shuttle before all the seats are sold out. Gwen
saw Sabino Canyon last year but I missed that trip. The canyon
usually has water but is has been a dry several months with no
monsoons so no water. This canyon is know for the hiking
trails and apparently most of the people from the all the cars
in the parking lot were on hikes. Gwen had made a reservation
for the tram, the only vehicle allowed on the road into the
canyon. The narration claimed 1.5 million visitors to the
canyon each year. The canyon is scenic and the tram
narration tells of the canyon history. The road was built
during the depression because a dam was planned at the end of
the road. However, funding disappeared and the road turned
into a recreation area managed by the National Forest Service.
Click each photo for another view.

Thursday, November 9,
2023: The desk height was awkward for typing so I added
two drawer slides and a tray for the keyboard. This is
far better than having the keyboard at desk height.
There are keyboard trays made just for desks but they
are too large for this tiny desk. These are full
extension drawer slides so the try disappears when not
in use. |


Sunday, November 5,
2023: A lady in our park advertised this desk
yesterday. It was considerably smaller than the table
I was using and would fit much better in my corner of
the dining room. Additionally, my table had only one
drawer so much more storage in this little desk. The
table has been moved to the bedroom where Gwen is
using it for jigsaw puzzles. This desk was handmade by
someone. The person I purchased from bought it at a
second hand store so she doesn't know who made
it. It is made very well and may have been a
woodworking project for a high school student in wood

Saturday, November
4, 2023: I have not been able to ride with the Cactus
Cycling Club recently due to health issues. I felt
well enough to join them today for road clean up. Ten
volunteers showed up and we each gathered two huge
bags of trash along some of the clubs favorite roads.
Since it is Saturday there were lots of riders on the
roads. We got many thank yous from the riders and
several cars either stopped to say thank you or honked
their approval of our efforts. I was exhausted after
the four miles of walking and dragging the garbage bad
behind. Please don't discard trash while

Thursday, November
2, 2023: I bought the trike to haul garbage to the
bins in the back of the park. I also use it to take
Abby for a run around the perimeter of the park. A
third reason for the park is to haul project back and
forth to the woodshop. These are the cabinet door
frames I made today. It has worked very well for all
three purposes. Oh, I also use it to get the mail and
attend meetings. I figure no one will want to steal


Wednesday, November
1, 2023: Our Wednesday morning park meeting had
something special this morning with entertainment.
I also got the chance to introduce myself and
introduce the Cycling Club to happen for the first
time on Monday morning. It will be a short 14 mile
ride with a coffee shop at the 7 mile mark.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023:
This afternoon Abby and I participated in a Halloween parade.
There were decorated golf carts, bicycles, walkers, pets, and
a unicycle. Abby is wearing a skirt and some Halloween
themed garland. I decorated the bike with the same garland, a
witch figure on the handlebars and a skull garland around the
basket. Abby did wonderful. She seemed to like following the
golf carts and was patient when we had to stop or go very
slowly. She got along well with the other pets in the parade
too. Click on the photos to enlarge. In the photo on the left,
Abby is watching me, her head is between the last two golf
carts. Here is a better photo of Abby!
Saturday, October 28, 2023:
Knowing the Oregon State Beavers football team was coming to
town today, we bought tickets to the game. University of
Arizona has a beautiful stadium with a sound system to burst
your ear drums plus pyrotechnics. I'm always interested in the
band performance so enjoyed both the pregame and halftime
shows. Click the photos for more views. The game was well
played by both teams with the Wildcats winning 27 - 24. Here
is a short video of the Wildcats entering the

Wednesday, October
25, 2023: The season at this resort begins on October
15. Tonight was the "Welcome Back" potluck sponsored
by the "Summer Buddies" who stay in the park year
around. There was lots of good food plus entertainment
after the dinner. The Hag Dance Group provided the
entertainment. Unfortunately, they recruited members
of the audience to participate and I ended up being
recruited. It was painless as long as I don't have to
watch myself attempt to follow their moves. Click the
photos for enlarged views.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023: We
have been in Tucson nearly one month. During that time the
weather has been clear with the exception of two storms. Today
was one of those storms. Both storms were Thunder Storms. This
one had some good sized hail which made quit a noise on our
aluminum car port. Here is a short video
during one of the downpours.

Friday, October 20,
2023:Today we explored the idea of quartz countertops
and whatever options we might have. I was
expecting we might be able to justify quartz since we
have such a small area for the countertops. We visited
a shop which was recommended by one of the park
residents. We worked we Fernando who showed us all our
options. We finally picked one to get get a price
quote. Material alone was to be $2,500. We learned the
material would be sent to a "fabricator" who will
shape the top then install it. That would likely be
another $1,000 but I'm guessing, it could be twice
that. We decided to visit Home Depot where we learned
it would be at least six to twelve weeks to get a
countertop. After what we learned today I'm thinking
we would finish building and installing all cabinets
then install temporary countertops while we wait for
the final product. My opinion of quartz now ... it
would be like putting a $100 saddle onto a $10 horse
but it will boil down to what Gwen wants.
Thursday, October
19, 2023: 100 degrees is cool weather for those who
live in Tucson year around. But it is HOT to me. Take
a look at that humidity. We have only a few more days
of 90 - 100 degrees then we won't see the 90s again
until next April, at least that's what I keep telling


Wednesday, October
18, 2023:This is the first Wednesday of the new
"season". For Rincon Country east and probably
for most of Tucson, the new winter season begins on
October 15. Rincon Country East has a park meeting
every Wednesday morning to announce events, have a
raffle prize and play a few silly games. Coffee and
donuts are provided by a sponsor, in today's case it
was Village Medical. VM would like to provide medical
services to those of us who have a medical
relationship elsewhere. It is something we both have
been wondering since our doctors are in Oregon. If we
need some sort of medical attention it would be nice
to be welcomed by someone in Tucson. Click the photo
for a panorama.
Tuesday, October 17,
2023: I'm looking at the sky from our backyard. It is
10 am and I'm thinking, since it was 102° yesterday
and the day before, I sure hope that come our way.
About 30 minutes later we did have a short
thunderstorm and downpour. I wonder if this was called
a Monsoon. My weather station only measured
0.07" of rain. My neighbor down the street with
exactly the same weather station measured 0.12" of
rain. Whatever, I'll take it and I'll bet all the
desert plants around us loved it too. I did make a short video of our experience.


Monday, October 16,
2023: I have lots of sore muscles and tired bones. I
need to go sit in this. Only if I had a bicycle
to get me there.
Saturday, October 14, 2023:
The Pickle Ball contractor returned today to finish this months
long project. The three new Pickle Ball courts are completed. As
soon as the paint is dry the courts are ready for play.
That gives this resort five Pickle Ball courts. |

Thursday, October 12.
2023:The crew has been working on the Pickle Ball courts
all week and they are nearly finished. Just waiting for
the boundary lines and net and the courts are ready for

Wednesday, October 11, 2023:
There is a group of year-around residents call the "Summer
Buddies". This was their last meeting before the new winter
season begins on October 15. Announcements included a line
dancing review tomorrow morning and an end of Summer Buddies
dance on October 14. The winter events begin on October
15. I suppose the park begins to fill up then.

October 9, 2023: This is "open mike" night in the clubhouse.
This is the last open mike night for the "summer buddies" who
are here all summer. They endure the 110°+ summer
temperatures. Our air conditioning has not worked since we
arrived so we understand the warm weather although the high
since we arrived has been 100°. It was fixed today so
now our inside temperature is very comfortable. There were
several performers and four tunes were a sing-a-long. Click
this photo to enlarge. The person to Gwen's right is Kevin. He
is one of the woodshop monitors. I was very interested in
talking with him. I learned how to become a member of the
woodshop crew.

Saturday, October 7,
2023: We are back online after traveling from Reno,
Nevada to Tucson, Arizona. We have occupied our
new-to-us park model at the Rincon Country East RV
Resort. We have a clear view of Mt. Lemmon out our front
window and access to the desert behind us. We are
looking forward to taking Abby into the desert wash next
to us. Abby is learning to enjoy her unobstructed view.
The items stacked to her left were donated to St.
Vincent de Paul. The park is installing new Pickle Ball
courts and a dog park in front. Click on both photos for
a view of the crews working on that project. When I
opened the under deck storage door I found "Hector" who
has been controlling the mice population all summer. I
have purchase the equipment to relocate Hector but
haven't seen him since the day I first saw him.
