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Friday, September 6, 2024: To stay cool we drive an hour to Lake of the Woods. The girls brought a picnic lunch which we are quickly to spend more time sitting next to the water. Abby has never had the chance to swim free in a lake but she took to it quickly. The three of us took turns throwing sticks for Abby to retrieve in the lake. We spent three hours staying cool next to the water. Click the photos for more views.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024:  Gwen and I do not subscribe to HULU but Lesa does. I began watching Martin Short and Steve Martin in the series "Only Murders in this Building".  It turned into binge watching where I made it to episode 10 when there are 12 episodes in the series. Steve Martin is being murdered by his girlfriend, :-0

Unfortunately that's where I had to stop watching so I don't know who saves him. Surely someone will save him since he is a star in the show.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024: Abby and I took a walk around the block and found this giant Weeping Willow tree. It is significant to us because we planted a Weeping Willow tweg about six years ago on our lot in Sutherlin. It is now a full grown tree providing lots of shade and atmosphere. This tree made me think of our tree and wondered if it will become something like this some year in the future.

Monday, Labor Day, September 2, 2024:  While everyone else is asleep, Abby and I go exploring and found the Common Grounds Coffee Shop in downtown Klamath Falls. After coffee we take a walk across the street into the city park. Abby enjoyed the most green grass she has seen in months.

I only ordered a large house coffee for $3 but noticed a refill was another $1. Seemed a little high for a shop in Klamath Falls.  :-)

Sunday, September 1, 2024: This is moving day from Sutherlin, Oregon toward Tucson, Arizona. Our travel plan will take us nearly a month. Our first destination is to Klamath Falls, Oregon to visit with Gwen's children.

I wasn't going to hang the bike off the back of the trailer but changed my mind since the inside of the trailer is already crowded with stuff.

The top of the car also became the place for stuff going to Tucson. We sent six UPS packages to Tucson already but the roof cargo would be too difficult to ship.

I stopped at a weigh scale thinking the worst. Fortunately the trailer is still within the maximum towing capacity for the Highlander. Once we get rid of all the Tucson stuff, we will be lighter.



Thursday - Wednesday, July 11 - 17, 2024: Gwen and I found the Camp Lite 21RBS in Spokane, a very special light weight travel trailer. It is special because it is entirely made of aluminum, frame, floor, roof, sides. No wood, the walls are a material called Azdel, Azdel is 50% lighter than wood, it has no mold, mildew, rotting or warping. It is far superior to wood. Our Highlander is limited to 5,000 lbs so this trailer is perfect for us.
Our trip south from Spokane ended in a fairground near Colfax, Washington on the first night. We had power and water and a large field for Abby to run. There was a cow show happening the next day so the fairground became busy. We continued on our way south following 395 which crosses 3 states, California, Oregon and California from Mexico to Canada. Our goal was the Clyde Holliday (yes, that's the correct spelling) State Park where we spent 3 nights. The Highlander did well pulling the trailer. Click all the photos for more views.

Monday, July 1, 2024: We like our Tucson Park Model and expect to spend much of our time there but not yet during the summer months. We still want to travel. But not in a giant motorhome. We are downsizing by selling the
motorhome and purchasing a much smaller travel trailer to tow behind the Highlander. We already have a travel trailer in mind. It's called a "Camp Lite" manufactured by Livn Lite, a company which does not exist any longer. The Camp Lite is very special in many ways. It takes a seasoned RVer to recognize what makes it so special. I will explain more once we have the trailer in our possession. We are expecting to have it by July 12. In the meantime, the trailer does not come with a weight distribution hitch. I searched Facebook Marketplace and found many. I was lucky to find one for the right price right here in Sutherlin. I'm cleaning it up and painting. The hitch in the photo on the left is upside down because it came with the wrong size ball, much too large. I need to put on a 2" ball. I need a 1-3/4" wrench to remove the large ball. I don't have one that large and neither do the friends I've asked. However, I suspect the park shop will have one, I'll check tomorrow. A weight distribution hitch is essential for stability with towing. It distributes the towing weight among all axles including the front wheels of the Highlander. I would not tow without one. We are needing the trailer before selling the motorhome so we can unload our personal items into the trailer then sell or donate what's left.



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