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Thursday, November 7,
2024: Cleaning the dryer vent has been on my "TO
DO" list all this year. I finally got around to doing
it. The rod with the brush is attached to a drill and
run into the vent. An extension is added and the brush
moves on deeper into the vent. In this case I was able
to add all the extensions. I had the dryer blower on so
lots of lint came from the vent. This should be done
once each year. |
Tuesday, November 5,
2024: Another heating element failure in less than one year. Not
sure what is causing the failure. I will flush the hot
water tank every couple months. This time I bought two
elements to have one on hand. They aren't expensive, $10
but annoying that it does not last long. |

Thursday, October 24, 2024: The old
couch goes out the door. It was a tough task to get this big
queen sleeper couch out the door. I had removed the cushions and
mattress to make it lighter. Then the new love seat recliner
came inside. I invited Abby to try Gwen's side. She likes being
able to watch out the window from the love seat. Click all
photos for more views. |

Tuesday, October 22,
2024: Gwen and I went shopping today for something to
replace our couch. I think we visited 5 furniture
stores. Finally Gwen said, "I have seen enough and want
to go home". But we passed one more store, the
"Furniture Exchange". A strange name after Ashley, Lazy
Boy, and Sam Levitz. Gwen spotted this Loveseat
Recliner and liked it better than anything we had seen.
Still, she sat on many others in the store but came back
to this one. It will be delivered on Thursday. It is all
electric with high tech controls and USB plugs, which
makes me happy. No doubt we will partially cover it for
protection from me and Abby with some colorful fabric.
Yes, it is smaller than the couch but not much.
Monday, October 21,
2024: We mentioned to my son Joe that we were
looking for a new, smaller couch. He suggested flipping
our living room furniture by 180 degrees. I did that
today to get an idea of what it would be like before we
get rid of the current couch. We have actually
decided upon a double recliner or theater seats about
2/3 the size of the current couch. This arrangement is
already more comfortable than how we had it previously.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024: The
Lowes delivery team arrived around noon with the Kenmore French
Door refrigerator. I was holding my breath hoping it would fit
through the door way and into the hallway. It did with only an
inch to spare. Than I was holding my breath again as they slid
it into the enlarged cabinet hole hoping I measured right.
Again, it fit with an inch to spare. These two worked well
together and I told Oscar, the leader, how well they worked
together. They had driven from Phoenix with 16 stops to make and
we were number 6. Click the photos for more views. |

Sunday, October 13, 2024:
Our new refrigerator will be delivered on Wednesday. It
requires a taller opening in the cabinet. These are
cheap cabinets probably 30 years old but don't plan to
replace them anytime soon. I increased the height for
the refrigerator. I still have some trim work and
touch-up but the opening is ready for the new
I advertised the current refrigerator in our "RCE
Free and Cheap" Facebook page. Vern and
Julie arrived early this morning to claim it. They will
pick it up at the end of this week.
Click the photos for more views.

Friday, September 20, 2024:
Ramon, Brian and Pablo have removed the failing heat pump and
replaced it with a brand new pump with a ten year warranty. The
worst part in my observation was the removal of the old pump.
After some discussion with Ramon, I ran to Home Depot to get a
Smart Thermostat which can be controlled by my phone. I was
influenced by my friend Glen in Oregon who also has a smart
thermostat. Click all photos for more views. |

Saturday, April 20,
2024: Gwen and I started our day thinking of some sort
of cactus garden to visit. However, we ended up in
both Lowe's and Home Depot shopping for some new
plants for the front of our place. We bought
only three plants knowing our space is limited.
I had previously purchased perforated drain pipe to
bury with any new plants. The soil here is not porous
so a perforated drain pipe is a good way to get the
water deeper into the soil. I buried the pipe
deep enough for each plant to get the water below the
roots. Click on both photos for more views.

Sunday, April 14,
2024: Recall that we have this strange window between
Gwen's sewing room and our bedroom/family room. I built
a bookcase for Gwen's sewing room side of the
window. We still needed to hide the family room
side of the window. Gwen picked out this carpet to do
that. The window is now gone from both sides.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024:
I liked my first storage drawer so much I decided to build a
second just a bit differently so storage containers would fit
in the drawer. I inset the wheels to give more clearance
for the containers. Click the left photo to see what I mean.
After I installed the wheels I began clearing all items stored
under the deck. That's when I noticed this beautiful
Diamondback. This is our second after I removed the
first on March 26. This one appears much larger
and certainly fatter than our first. It makes me think there
may be rodents under our unit even though I have four
ultrasonic emitters install below. I asked Gwen to take
a video
of the capture and release of this new beauty.
Unfortunately, she handed the camera to a neighbor during the
capture and he was not familiar with pointing the camera. You
will get a better view on the release.
Thursday, April 4, 2024:
We have a strange interior window between Gwen's Sewing Room
and the family room (click the center photo to see the
window). I considered taking it out but that would be a big
mess since sheet rock would have to be cut. Gwen wants
shelves for her sewing room so we came up with the idea of
inserting the shelves into the window recess. It took
about $70 in plywood to build exactly what she wanted. She
wants to hang a saddle blanket on the other side to cover the
window in the family room. Click all three photos for another

Wednesday, April 3,
2024: My Neighbor, Daryl, was about to take these
cabinets to a thrift shop. They come with doors but no
hinges. I couldn't find the hinges at Home Depot or
ACE so got them at Amazon. They didn't fit the
predrilled hole so I enlarged the hole with my router.
They fit perfectly and mounted easily. I will use the
cabinets to store gardening stuff, trash bags and
extension cords. Click both photos for more


Tuesday, April 2,
2024: This park model came with a DirecTV satellite
dish although I doubt the previous owners used it
since the cable had been cut at the dish. I wanted it
off the roof since we will never use it. It might be a
hazard in the case of a strong monsoon. The
ladder I used was the one four of us purchased from a
fellow in this park. We paid $100 for a $250 ladder.
The four of us split the cost by four so it cost me
$25. It is extremely versatile and sturdy but also
very heavy. The dish was removed easily. The lag bolts
were also easy to remove using the impact
driver. Holes were sealed with Henry's. Click
the photos for more views.
I thought I would do the right thing and recycle the
equipment. I called metal recycling and learned they
wanted me to pay $20 to take the dish. I called a
second metal recycling and they refused to take it.
Unfortunately, the equipment went into the dumpster


Tuesday, March 26,
2024: My neighbor showed me his storage drawer located
under his deck. I decided a drawer would work well
under our deck too. It requires one full sheet of
plywood and 2 x 8" sides. Materials cost $82 but I'm
thinking the convenience would make it worth
while. Click both photos for more views.
While pulling everything out of the storage area, I
found Slinky. We first saw
Slinky last October, then he disappeared
again. Today he came slithering out of the
center of the foil window covering.

can see the foil covering in the photo on the right. He
entered another smaller roll which I discovered when pulling
it from the storage area. This time, however, I was ready. I
grabbed my snake tools which I ordered from Amazon last fall.
I had every intention of using them to take Slinky to a new
home. I couldn't easily get Slinky out of the roll so
put a bucket on each end and carried the whole thing about a
mile into the desert. I hope he is happy there. It is a cold
day so he's not moving very fast. Forecast is for 81 on
Friday, however, so I'm sure he will explore his new
surroundings then. I've made a short
video of the whole episode.

Sunday, March 24,
2024: We have been warned that this is a termite area.
My next door neighbor hired a pest controller who
installed termite stakes around her unit. I found the
same stakes on Amazon so installed 14 of them around
our unit. The stakes come with a money back guarantee.
I guess if the house falls down due to termites they
will refund the purchase price of the stakes.


Monday, March 18,
2024: The photo on the left is a Lazy Boy Recliner
which came with our park model. We have not liked it
for multiple reasons and finally gave it away a few
days ago. I had already ordered a replacement
from an RV supplier. It is a smaller recliner, what we
were after, with a fabric upholstery not the fake
leather. It is designed to fit into an RV so it fits
our small space much better. Additionally, it is far
more comfortable than the old recliner. Click both
photos for more views. The assembled new recliner is
behind the photo on the right. Having said that,
I am not usually able to sit in any recliner because
Abby always wants me to sit with her on the couch. She
can be very persistent!


Saturday, March 16,
2024: This is what a failed water heater element looks
like. I purchased the special wrench to remove
and replace it plus the replacement element for less
than $20. The repair was very easy to make, we
have hot water again.
Saturday, March 9, 2024: We
purchased this TV cabinet in Oregon thinking we had done a
good thing, but it is too big for our small space.
Finally, a few days ago, Gwen mentioned it was too big.
"Yippee" I was thinking silently. At first I thought we should
get rid of it then suggested cutting it down to be only one
foot wide. We would still have the storage space but gain a
whole foot in our living area. Gwen agreed to let me
try. It took longer today than I had figured it would
but finally got the cabinet cut in half. Our living area feels
much bigger now. Click on all three photos for more views.
Thursday, February
29, 2024: My neighbor, Daryl had a good idea of
mounting boards to the fence then using hooks to hang
our gardening tools. Daryl provided all the
hooks. I already had the boards but didn't have
the bolts it took to mount to the fence. Ace Hardware,
only 3 miles distant, provided the bolts. This
helped to get all the stuff stacked around out of the


Tuesday, February
13, 2024: The circuit problem I discovered three weeks
ago was even worse than I thought. All of Gwen's
sewing room, the washer and dryer, the refrigerator,
the dining room and the outside outlet were all on ONE
15 amp circuit because the contractor was too lazy to
install a proper circuit. Instead he tied the front
half of the unit into the sewing room circuit by
stringing a wire from one to the other. In some ways
that made it easy for me to install a second circuit,
just cut that wire from the sewing room to the front
and connect to a second circuit. That meant crawling
under the unit hoping to pull another wire from the
circuit breaker box to the front. I tried crawling
through the storage area but was blocked by axles,
HVAC vent hose and Cholla thorns. Plan B was to remove
siding and get access that way which worked. While
under the unit I saw evidence of Pack Rats. After
internet research I learned ultrasonic devices keep
rats out. I installed two outlets under the unit and
installed the ultrasonic devices into each
outlet. Click the photo for me in my hazmat
suit. Yes, I wore a mask.
Monday, February 5,
2024: We learned months ago that a simple electrical
space heater gave off enough heat to warm our little
park model. We have a perfectly good forced air
propane furnace however, propane in this park is more
than twice what it is in Oregon or elsewhere in Tucson
simply because it must be delivered to our huge 100
gallon tank by truck. Arizona propane has the contract
and jacks the price of the propane sky high. It is
much cheaper to use electric space heaters.
A few days ago we learned that the contractor who
remodeled our park model connected outlets in the
dining room with the circuit in Gwen's sewing room at
the other end of the unit. This is WRONG! It will be
easy to correct this problem by creating a separate
circuit for the dining room. I was able to complete
the first half of that circuit today. I must crawl
under the unit to complete the second half. I
won't have a hazmat suit until Wednesday and I won't
be climbing under this unit until I have one.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024:
Gwen has two large closets in her sewing room. She decided she
wants one of the closets to be all shelves for her personal
items and partly for a pantry. I bought the shelving at Lowes.
It is 16" wide and 3/4" pine. It looks just like the pine I
bought back in Oregon however I noticed on the tag, "Made in
Brazil". I hope they didn't cut down any of the rain forest to
send this Pine to Tucson! I put an edge on the face of the
shelves which I'm showing in the center photo.

Thursday, January
25, 2024: I spotted these retractable screen doors at
Costco three weeks ago. They looked ideal for our back
door not only to let air in/out but also to allow Abby
to see, hear and smell the outside air especially if
I'm working in the patio. At the time I
discovered these doors I decided to wait because this
is not screen door season so they would likely not
sell quickly. However, I chose to buy the door now not
wanting to take the chance of missing the purchase. We
had a day last week of 76 degrees and another day next
week is forecast to be 76.

Sunday, January 7, 2024: Our
new living room ceiling fan arrived today, yes FedEx delivers
on Sunday. In the left photo, after completing the
wiring I turned on the power to learn if it worked. It didn't
so I rechecked all the wiring and still didn't work. I decided
to continue figuring the plug into the lighting fixture may
also be needed but I was worried during the rest of the
assembly. I attached the blades and lighting fixture but
before adding the light grill I tested it again. Wahoo! It
worked. Click both photos for more assembly views and watch
this ten second video to watch it work.

Saturday, January 6,
2024: I've done something either terrible or creative
today. I mounted a 55" TV in the bedroom. Here is my
thinking: The bedroom is the largest room in our park
model. For that reason it needs to be used for more
than a bedroom. Gwen already has a table for jigsaw
puzzles and assembles them in the bedroom. We have the
most comfortable recliner in the bedroom. It is too
large for the living room so stays in the bedroom
unused. I want to use it. I mounted the TV so it faces
the recliner. There is still plenty of room for
something else but I'm not sure what that would be
yet. Maybe I'll move my Zwift bike in here during
really cold or really hot weather. I have turned the
bedroom into a bedroom/family room.

Thursday, December 21, 2023:
Last season when we hired a home inspector to view this
property, he pointed out "no vents to the underside of the
unit". While in Oregon, I found these vents at a garage
sale for a very cheap price. I bought them with the idea of
eventually installing on the west side since we have two large
storage doors on the east side which allow for air flow. When
folks in this park have something they believe of value but
they want to get rid of it, they place the item next to the
dumpster. Today, I found these trim boards next to the
dumpster and immediately thought of the trim needed to frame
the vents. That was enough to get me to complete this project
today. The paint was used to paint the window trim and was
stored under the deck so I had no out-of-pocket expense the
complete the project. Click each photo for more views.

Thursday, December
14, 2023: The plan is to decorate the green cabinets
so we made a quick trip to Hobby Lobby and found
nearly everything was 50% off. We both found what we
were looking for. Click on both photos to see what we
found and where we put them.


Tuesday, December
12, 2023: Today was a completion of the little
things. The first on the list was to permanently
install the inside cabinet lighting. I had only
temporarily installed the LED light string previously
because I had no real countertop. The tiny remote on
the wall next to the coffee grinder is the light
controller. It will remotely turn the cabinet lights
on/off or dim them.
Second on the list was to shorten the shelf over the
two garbage cans. Gwen wanted better access to the
garbage so requested the shelf be shorter.
The Nikken water filter came with our purchase of the
park model. It has been sitting in the corner of the
dining room making it more difficult to use. We chose
to add a shelf to the corner of the microwave cabinet
for easy access to the kitchen and to free up more
space in the dining room. I purchased the shelf from
Home Depot and carefully installed it. I added
additional support knowing the filter tank is heavy.
The Nikken water filter is promoted as one of the
best. The filters are certainly expensive.
Monday, December 11, 2023: The
countertops arrived today and did not take long to install.
They look great and Gwen is happy. The custom cutting board
came with the sink and fits perfectly in the top of the sink.
Click the three photos for more views. I have a few little
details to take care of but this finishes all of the kitchen
remodel we plan to do this season. Now time to play!
Thursday, December 7, 2023: We
have finally made a countertop decision. Weeks ago, our
friend, Armando, suggested Senior Martinez for quartz
countertops. We visited his shop and did not find a stone we
liked. I told him to keep looking. He contacted us a week ago
with a new meeting time and new stones to view. We found one
we liked and he gave us a very good quote. In the meantime,
between our first and second meeting we had gotten a
ridiculous quote on a laminate countertop. It was a sobering
quote since we both hated the idea of laminate and we were
mistakenly thinking it would be cheaper. Another big
positive about Senior Martinez, he will install the quartz on
this coming Monday afternoon. By-the-way, the upper cabinet
door painted with the green frame was an experiment and we
have decided against it. I have extra doors and will replace
that one with one NOT painted.

Thursday, November
30, 2023: The final steps to finish the corner
cabinet. The face frame is added, screwed and glued
into place. The plumbing had to be moved to match but
I was smart enough not to glue the main cross pipe
since the new countertop may put the sink in a
slightly different location where I would have to move
the plumbing again. Without glue, I can do that
easily. I'll glue it in place once the new countertops
are installed. I must build a door for the front of
the cabinet and someone, I hope Gwen, will paint the
cabinet to match the others. Meanwhile, while we are
deciding upon a countertop, this sink is operational
again. Click on these photos for another view.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023:
Working all day again on the corner cabinet. It seems I did
not get very far but the 2 x 4" floor support had to be pieced
in carefully. Also the plywood floor had lots of strange
angles to fit around the plumbing and into this strange shaped
space. The floor had to be painted and sealed. It all took
time. We have a shuttle trip tomorrow so I won't be able to
work on this again until Thursday. Click the photos for more
Monday, November 27, 2023: The
corner cabinet must be replaced. As soon as I disconnected the
plumbing on the sink the countertop popped off easily. I will
save the countertop to use with our new sink until it is
replaced by a new countertop. I tore out everything
except the diagonal wall in the back. The hot water heater is
behind this wall. The floor of the cabinet had completely
dissolved where the plumbing had leaked sometime in the past.
The previous owner hid this with a piece of vinyl. There
were plenty of rat or mouse droppings beneath the floor
sitting on the sub-floor. I wore a mask to clean up this mess
then Gwen scrubbed with several cleaners. I laid down
half inch plywood onto the sub-floor to bring the level up to
the laminate flooring. I then used two cans of expanding foam
sealant to seal all holes and edges. That's as far as I
got today. Click the three photos for more views.

Tuesday, November
21, 2023: I will finish the lower kitchen cabinets
soon. I don't plan to do anything major to the upper
cabinets. Today I experimented with painting the
cabinet doors with a green trim to match the color of
the lower cabinets. I would also replace the door
handles with those to match the handles below. Nothing
is final, just experimenting.

Friday, November 17,
2023: This is the cabinet space on the living room
side of the peninsula cabinet. It's where we store the
dog food and treats. It is so difficult to see and
find anything in these cabinets because it is so dark
inside. I decided to light the inside of the cabinet
spaces on both sides of the peninsula cabinet. The LED
strip lights came with a remote control which is on
the wall for easy access. No matter which side of the
cabinet you are standing the remote can be activated
to turn on/off the lights.


Thursday, November
16, 2023: The old bathroom faucet was just that ...
old, maybe dating back to the original manufacture
date of this park model. The remodel done by the
previous owners replaced the bathroom vanity with a
nice new one but for some reason they kept the old
faucet, ugly faucet! The replacement faucet accented
the white vanity top with the black finish.
Additionally, the old faucet had no stopper, just a
hole in the bottom of the sink. The new faucet came
with a push activated stopper. The new faucet is also
a single handle making it easy to adjust water


Tuesday, November
14, 2023: We had a visit from Jesus today! Yes! Jesus
the countertop man came to look at our project. Maybe
we have been watching way too much HGTV and shows like
Property Brothers, Home Town and Love It or
List It but we are going with Quartz
countertops. The quote from Jesus (Save Us Jesus) was
less than half the quote we got from another firm
across town. However still much more than I had
thought it might cost. I screwed the peninsula cabinet
to the floor and wall at a place to cover the hole in
the floor from the previous cabinet. Jesus wants the
cabinet moved 5/8" away from the stove to allow for a
1-1/2" overhang of the top. Oh, only a 20 minute job,
I thought. Two hours later the cabinet was now screwed
down 5/8" from it's original position. Well, the
hardware for the garbage drawer was $180 (on sale) so
I figure for hardware that expensive a quartz
countertop is deserved. And it is Gwen's birthday next
week, does a countertop make a good birthday present?
The doors are installed on both sides of the cabinet.
Saturday, November 11, 2023: I
removed the old peninsula cabinet today (it was true junk) and
replaced with the cabinet I built and Gwen painted. There was
a surprise when I removed the old cabinet to find a live power
line which once powered a radio at the far end of the cabinet.
Since I plan to have four sections of the new cabinet lighted
it is nice to have power inside. I can't install the two
cabinet doors yet because I need access to the woodshop which
will happen on Monday. While visiting my son, Ben, I admired
his garbage drawer. I ordered the hardware kit from Amazon and
installed a garbage drawer in the final section. I saved the
old countertop and along with a piece of plywood, the top is
covered and usable while I complete the corner cabinet. Once
that is finished, we can get new counter tops. This cabinet is
far superior to the awful cabinet which came with the unit.
Click each photo for another view.
Tuesday, November 7,
2023: Today was the last woodworking day for the
peninsula cabinet in the kitchen. Painting comes next
and Gwen wants to do that (thank you). In the photo,
the paint and tray is sitting on the part of the
cabinet which will face the couch. The cabinet is
sitting on the side which will face the kitchen. So
there is a small cabinet on the couch side due to the
stove on the other side. The part facing the camera in
this photo is the top. The countertop will sit on this
part so none of this will be seen. Gwen is painting
this cabinet to match the dishwasher cabinet. The
interior cabinet space will be lighted. The next
project will be the corner cabinet which contains the
sink. A new sink and faucet is arriving tomorrow.


Sunday, October 15,
2023: The cabinet built in Oregon along with the
dishwasher purchased in Oregon has finally been
installed. This is about 1/3 of the kitchen remodel.
The corner cabinet and peninsula cabinets need to be
replaced then new countertops. We washed dishes
in a dishwasher for the first time tonight since 2006.
That's when we sold our house and became fulltime


Tuesday, July 11,
2023: Today I added the end cap to the kitchen
cabinets. This was my first time to use a pocket jig,
it worked well. Click both photos for more
views. This particular joint would be very weak
without the screws. Gluing end grain to side grain at
a 90 degree angle makes a very weak joint. Click on
both photos for more views. |


Sunday, June 25,
2023: This was primer painting day on the kitchen
cabinet and the TV stand. I worked on the kitchen
cabinet while Gwen painted the TV stand. She actually
painted the top coat after the primer dried. I decided
to paint parts of the cabinet, such as the drawers,
just to seal against moisture. I added the drawer
dividers temporarily just to learn if they fit
properly. Those bamboo drawer dividers were purchased
at Costco. I am not fond of painting but this went
pretty easily. Click the photos for more views.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023: Today
was the day to complete and install the drawer fronts. Before
that, the edge strips are installed to hide the edges of the
plywood. I made the fronts of Poplar thinking it would hold
the paint better than any other wood. This may have been over
thinking the painting and a mistake since these three drawer
fronts cost a total of $52. Click all three photos for more
views. My job is finished, Gwen will paint the cabinet and
drawers next as soon as she decides the color.
Tuesday, June 6, 2023: All the
drawers are constructed of half inch plywood except the bottom
which is quarter inch plywood. The top drawer is a drawer
within a drawer, an idea I found at the Home Depot when
looking at their cabinet displays. Note the locking joint in
the corner of the drawers. Next, I need to apply the
edge trim I made to cover the plywood and make the drawer
fronts. Once that's done the cabinets and drawers are ready
for paint.
Monday, June 5,
2023: I built the cabinet end below, now I need to build
the cabinet. This cabinet will have the dishwasher on the end
and drawers on the right. The kitchen is so small I'm afraid a
dishwasher next to the sink with the door open will block
access to the sink. With drawers between the sink and the
dishwasher there will be plenty of room for the dishwasher
door. I'm building the cabinet of half inch plywood. I used
the sabre saw to cut our notches for the cross braces and for
the toe kick area. I'm not adding a face frame because I want
to maximize the drawer space. The drawer fronts will cover the
plywood edge. You won't see the plywood edge because I ripped
thin strips to glue to the plywood edges (far right
photo). I purchased full extension, soft close drawer
guides. Click all three photos for more views.
Sunday, May 28, 2023: I have
finally begun working on the kitchen cabinets to replace those
which are against
the wall. When you look at the existing cabinets, the
section in the photo will have the dishwasher and drawers. The
dishwasher will be on the outside because I'm afraid the
dishwasher door will block access to the sink when open. We plan
to paint the cabinets I'm building so I picked wood which will
be easy to paint. The piece I built today will be the end of the
cabinet. It is 35" tall because Gwen wants the counter top to be
at 36". Depth of the cabinet is the standard 24". Click each
photo for more views. |