What does one do on a "Snowday"?
February 28, 2007: Yesterday was a "snowday" at the college. I was already in my office when I learned the rest of the college was closed. I continued to work for a couple of hours. What does one do for a snowday when you arrive home? I first stopped at the Applegate store for a cinamon roll then noticed the Applegate bridge during the storm. I snapped this photo, the bridge is only a mile from our trailer. |
The view from our bedroom window, note the exit sign, showing the large snowflakes. The snow is wet and about 6 inches deep. |
This is perfect snow for a snowman. Neither Gwen nor I have built a snowman in forty years so it's time. |
I started with a baseball cap but Gwen felt a snowman needs a winter hat. Gwen makes the face while I create feet. The snowman gets a scarf and a button shirt. Morgan made doggie angels. She thought the snow was perfect for rolling. |
But my favorite thing to do is to relax and read "Trailer Life" articles next to the heater and my dog. Now if I can just get Gwen to bring me a snack. Then it's time for a nap, it was hard work making a snowman. |