The Last Weekend |
October 30, 2005: Friday, I discovered that WunderGround, the Internet site I use for weather, also has a feature where viewers can upload outdoor or weather photos for publishing at their site. I uploaded the StoryCorps photo on Friday within ten minutes of taking the photo. It was featured several times. More than 460 photos are uploaded each day to the site and I've found it interesting to view the photos from around the world. Today, I uploaded the photo to the right. This weekend is the last weekend of the |
season, then the gates will be closed to the resort until next April. Each photographer who uploads photos chooses a "handle", another word for username. You can view my handle by clicking here. The photo above was taken yesterday during a cold, 34 degree morning. |
When visiting WunderGround you can click on the "Wunder Photos" tab for access to all the 360,000+ photos that have been uploaded to the site. See if you can find the photo I posted this morning. Have fun. |