Views of Approaching Katrina |
These views of approaching Katrina were sent to Gwen by a friend. I have always lived on the west coast and have never seen anything like this. When I published my "thunderstorm photos", several readers wrote to say how they see better storms in the midwest or south nearly everyday during the summer. Now I understand what they are talking about. In the west, we get excited about the clouds in a good sunset, it will be difficult to judge our clouds as any more than "mediocre" after seeing these. I don't know any more detail about the photos, they seem to speak for themselves. Click on any photo to enlarge. |
October 1, 2005 update: A reader has informed me that these photos are actually of storms in the mid-west, NOT of Katrina. I love cloud photos so I'm leaving them here. I think I'd be pulling my fifth wheel back to Oregon after seeing storms like this! This link will tell you of the hoax. The photographer is Mike Hollingshead a storm chaser. I encourage you to visit his Website to view the rest of his work, it is incredible. |
Gwen and I donated to UMCOR for Katrina refugee relief because this is an organization we trust and we know that 100% of our donation will go to the victims, none goes to UMCOR administration. |
September 23, 2005: Update ... Gwen received another set of photos of Hurricane Katrina in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. These photos show more of what the people saw as they experienced the hurricane. Click here to see the presentation. If you have a slow connection, this is a 3 megabite file. |
October 1, 2005: Part of my everyday life and job is to create new workshops for the local community college. About three weeks ago I got a call from a retired forest service employee who wanted to teach a workshop but wanted me to suggest a topic. Our discussion lead to his previous duties for the forest service which I learned had to do with homeland security. Since this was immediately after Hurricane Katrina we began talking about how people should prepare to take care of themselves in the case of a natural disaster. That caused me to begin investigating what resources that might help me outline a workshop on this topic and I found an excellent page to help you and your family prepare. You will find specific information on this page plus a 200+ page manual titled "Are You Ready". This is a large file if you try to download at one time, but it is also available in smaller topic files. I've always looked at my RV as my source of survival since I have water, food, selter and power stored in the RV. You must realize that one of the major problems in surviving Katrina was the lack of communication. With no power, cell towers and phone lines down, the only two way communication was by satellite phone and satellite Internet. There were many RV'ers who "went to the rescue" with satellite Internet resources. I'm feeling like I could be of some help now that I'm a satellite Internet owner and with a generator for power can still communicate when nothing else works. One thing you need to learn is to be able to access your email from a computer that is NOT your own. If you already know how, then you need to teach others. Who will you email first for help or to let them know where you are and your condition? A family communication plan is also located at this site. This seems like a good beginning but be sure to add the email address that everyone in your family should email with contact information. |