When we first heard about a working position at one of our favorite camping and kayaking spots, we were thrilled. By taking this position, we would be living at the lake for the entire summer.
Dale and I had talked about taking trips in our area for a week at a time to get use to the idea of “full-time RVing. We wanted to see if we really liked the life of living in a rig instead of a stick home. When we were offered a summer job at a mountain lake resort for the summer, we jumped at the chance. I need to tell you, even in my excitement and preparing the RV for the summer, my house was pulling on my heart stings. Could I really leave all this (meaning security) for 5 months? This question stayed in the back of my mind as I went about the chore of filling the fifth wheel with our belongings.
We pulled our rig up to Howard Prairie a few days before I started work at the resort restaurant. As we were setting up camp, my mind started coming up with ideas on how to make this our home for the summer. I wanted our outside space to be “homey” as well as the inside. |
We would bring up our nice Adirondack lawn chairs and I would contact my friend who makes picket fence decorations for the front of the 5 th wheel. We could put a bird feeder on the one pole and make a catchy sign for the other pole. I planned which flower pots I would bring to line our walkway. |
WaLa!! The almost final result! Since Mother Nature is spitting snow and rain and cold, cold nights at us, the flower pots will have to wait until we are blessed with warmer days. |
Out came the green grass mat for the walkway, and I put several rugs from home in the fifth wheel. Tulips were blooming at home, so I cut them all and brought them with us to grace our dining room table. You bet - we can have our space feeling and looking like home! |
Now begins our adventure in RV living! |