A New Friend, a Photographer |
A couple of weeks ago my job took me to a health fair as an exhibitor. As some of these fairs go, it was not well attended so I began visiting with the attractive lady in the booth next to mine. I learned her name was Claudia and She was promoting tennis at a local tennis club. When we began talking about hobbies interesting to us, I learned that she was a photographer and had recently switched to digital photography. Of course that really sparked my interest since I'm |
also interested in photography. Her current interest is photographing birds. I asked her to send me some of her work and explain how she took the photos. If you swing your mouse pointer over the photo, the name of the bird will appear. |
"I took the Nuthatch, Goldfinch and Grosbeak in my back yard, off my upper deck. The Hummer was taken on a walk I like to take with my camera a few blocks from my home where a retirement residence |
has some beautiful resident's flower gardens. The equipment I use is a digital Canon D10 Camera and a Canon 100-400 Zoom Lens with auto focus and a stabilizer. The stabilizer |
makes it possible to hand hold at shutter speeds of 250 to 500, and still get a sharp picture. The aperture will be wide open at 4.5 or 5.6. I usually use this lens zoomed all the way to 400mm, so I do need some good light. Yes, focus is critical." |
And to think, I have been fooling with a tripod all my life and all I needed was a high-tech camera with a stabilizer. You may already know that you can't normally hand-hold a longer telephone lens without blurring the image. Aren't these great photos? The stabilizer works great. Claudia exhibits her photos locally, feel free to if you would like to see more. |