2007: Applegate, Oregon
Part 3
February 10, 2007: Today was potluck Saturday at Howard Prairie Lake Resort just to get the crew thinking ahead for the coming season. The resort will open again on April 15 but opening fishing day is late this year. Things really start booming on opening fishing day and this year it is April 28. Things will be very slow until that happens. We were all to meet the new resort owners today however they were out of town on a family emergency. Click the photo for a larger view and names. |
February 11, 2007: The Upper Applegate Grange Hall has a Valentine Breakfast as a fund raising event. Gwen and I attend the breakfast |
with Kathy and Terry. Stan and Homer are the entertainment for the morning. This was truly a country breakfast with the boy scouts and girl scouts bussing the tables, home baked goods to buy with home made jams and potted plants too. |

February 14, 2007: The Applegate Mobile Home Park celebrates Valentines Day with a Valentine potluck. The room was packed. Perhaps we could have fit another table with 4 more people but it would have been tight. Lot's of good food and raffle prizes too. This is why we are in a rural RV park ... to enjoy days like this. |
February 19, 2007: I have introduced Alice before. Alice and Rich were visiting today so Gwen could help Alice and Rich with their wedding invitations. Note the Applegate bridge in the background. I did this photo to include with their invitation. Gwen and Alice have made their choice of fonts and wording for the invitation. Fortunately Gwen found many invitation wording samples on the Internet for Alice to choose. Their wedding is planned for June. |
February 21, 2007: We got a very nice email today from Glenda, an RVeCafe reader in Florida. She is concerned about downsizing to a fifth wheel for many good reasons. We had to struggle with the same concerns. Here is what Glenda asked:
Hi there,
I will be checking in on your journal from time to time. My husband is getting ready to retire in the next year or so, and we are "downsizing" to a 5th wheel.
My concern is, what do I do with all the "stuff" we have collected over our years of marriage in a 3 bdrm 2bth house. I am planning on a moving sale and I know I can call the Salvation Army or Goodwill
and they will pick up what doesn't sell, but, we have all this stuff that we have bonded with. Emotional ties are the worst to cut.
What have you thought about getting rid of your"stuff"? Things your kids have given you, your grandkids have given you and of course the things we save from our parents lives.
I am, by nature, a packrat. My husband, not so much, except for tools...he can't seem to part with any of them.
We presently have a 31' 5th Wheel with 1 slide. It has some storage, but not much room for clothes. I plan to continue working after he retires, and will need my work clothes, as well as my "traveling" clothes. He works construction, so wears lots of jeans and T-shirts and boots. We are attempting weekend RV'ing now with the RV parked in a full hook up park, with plenty of power and a pool etc..a lake for fishing and wildlife.
It was my idea to downsize, so my husband wouldn't have to work so hard all the time. He has problems with his back, and shouldn't have to do yard work and home repair when he finally gives up his job.
Any tips or ideas I can glean from your journal will surely help. |
I laugh now when I see people doing yard work while I'm recreating. Anyway, if you are interested enough to see how Gwen and I replied, click here. |
February 22, 2007: It's been snowing all night. Not much accumulation but enough for the college to close the Jackson County campuses which makes this a "snow day" for me. It's nice to have a snow day but today, the power is out for the entire area. |
I'm sure everyone in the area is uncomfortable except us. I have connected our Honda 2000 generator so we could continue using the Internet, listen to music and use the microwave. We've owned the generator only about three months. We used it a few times in Arizona and a few times here in Applegate when the power goes out. It's nice to have a dependable, quiet source of electricity. |
February 26, 2007: More heavy, wet snow has caused me to lower the awning to a very steep angle. I would retract the awning but that is generally a difficult job even without snow and ice on the awning. If I leave it partially extended, it still protects the few items we have just outside our door. It does make it a challenge to enter and exit the trailer when the awning is at this angle. Anyway, I'm sure the sun will come out soon and it will be a warm 80 degrees as it must be in Arizona about now. Morgan loves this weather. She makes doggie snow-angels by rolling on her back in the snow pack. |
March 3, 2007: Only 1/2 mile from our trailer is a farm house with a sign posted to a tree advertising fresh eggs for $1.75 plus a carton. Gwen and I went for a walk with our egg carton to get some fresh eggs. We got their last dozen. All were brown. As we were walking away, the farmers wife says to the farmer, "I need an egg for tonight's dinner". The farmer grabbed a basket and headed to the chicken coop. These should be happy hens. They roam free and I saw a couple of roosters mixed with them. |
March 4, 2007: It's finally sunny in Applegate. The temperature has reached the mid-60s so we are having a picnic ourside our trailer. This is the first sun since leaving Arizona. I have probably brought the rain back by washing both the truck and car today. |